Gentian Violet Alcoholic Solution
Gentian Violet Alcoholic Solution Price And Quantity
25GM Kilograms
Gentian Violet Alcoholic Solution Product Specifications
Gentian Violet Alcoholic Solution Trade Information
1 Week
Sample costs shipping and taxes has to be paid by the buyer
500GM, 1KG, 2.5KG, 5KG, 25KG, 50 KG export worthy Packing
Australia Eastern Europe Middle East Western Europe Africa Central America South America Asia North America
All India
ISO 9001:2008, GMP
Product Description
Chemical Specifications :-
- C.I. No. 42555
- Organic Name : Hexamethyl pararosanaline HCl
- Molecular Formula : C25H30CIN3
- M.W. : 407.99
- Assay : 96.0 100.5%
- H.S. Code : 03928
- Physical state @ 20 Deg C : Liquid
- Colour : Dark Violet
- Odour : Characteirstic alcoholic odour
- Odour Threshold : 5100 ppm
- MP/FP : -110 deg C
- Auto-ignition Temperature : 385 deg C
- Flash Point : 12.5 deg C
- Evaporation rate : 1.9
- Vapour Pressure @ 20 deg C : 12.80 KPa
- Vapour Density : 3
- Density (g/cm3) : <1
- Solubility in water : Miscible in water
- Shelf Life : 60 Months
Identification test To pass A, B & C tests
- Water NMT : 7.5%
- Residue on ignition NMT : 1.5%
- Alcohol-insoluble substances NMT : 1.0%
- Arsenic NMT : 0.001%
- Lead NMT : 0.003%
- Zinc Passes test
- Chromatographic purity Passes test
- Un No : 9/3077
- TARIFF : 3204 13 49
- R: 22-40-41-50/53
- S : 22-26-36/37/39-61
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